Saturday, November 22, 2008

Breaking For The Holidays!

It's that time again..

Even crime fighters and super heros take time to celebrate the holidays, so
after the upcomming holidays i'll be back with a vengence and then i'll share with
you exactly how i'm going to make the people pay that stole from me!

Stay Safe and Scam Free
Tracy Sutherland

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sometimes..Crime Does Pay $$$$$$$$$$$$

Dear Readers,

If you have been reading this blog for any length-of-time then you would know
that i absolutely hate scams and the people who perpetrate them,even though what i'm
about to share with you is a crime.. if you decide to do it-i'll look the other way just this

In order to build your business you have to have Traffic and there's no two ways
about it. I recently found-out about this company that allows you to JUST TAKE
some of their TARGETED TRAFFIC and to use it to grow your subscribers list or
to even build downlines if you're involved in MLM programs.

Did you get what i just said?  Take their TARGETED TRAFFIC and build your businesses
and they'll even pay you $20 for every lead that you generate for your own business..WOW!

I'm taking all the FREE TARGETED TRAFFIC that i can get my hands on and so should you..
so go here right now:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm Still Standing..

Hello again,

I know it's been awhile since my last post and i'm sorry about that but i've been extremely busy
offline trying to establish my own business online..did that make sense?  You see..if you've followed
this blog from the very beginning you read where i had been scammed 3 different time this year alone
and that is why i vowed to fight back against those crooks and i have done just that, but i'll admit this
to you that i almost let that misfortune turn me completely against the internet and mail-order entirely!

Long story short..i decided that since finding honest legitamite online businesses are actually harder to
find that finding a needle-in-a-haystack that i would just try and start my own and that is what i'm doing!

That's all for now, i'll tell you more on Sat.
Stay Safe and Scam Free!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I Found Another Victim!

Hello again,

I came across another victim in the BenjaminAddict Scam so i thought that i would
link to their blog post so that you could read it here at your convenience.. i also do
this so that the world can see that these people are indeed scandalous and that they
will continue to hurt others by stealing their money unless we step-up and help put
a STOP-TO-IT! Their blog post is directly underneath this one.

I'll be back soon!

For The Love Of Money Make Money: Is The Benjamin Addict Money Making System A Scam?

For The Love Of Money Make Money: Is The Benjamin Addict Money Making System A Scam?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Another Resource Added!

I just uncovered another resource called SCAMclub and unfortunately there's another
story about someone that was defrauded by! My heart went-out
to this person because  they believed in this opportunity just as i did only to be taken for
a rather large sum of money!

You can find SCAMclub at this address:

Back Soon..

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Resource List ( Updated )

Hello again,

I found another resource called the " Complaints Board " and yes i've already used this service
by exposing the BenjaminAddict scam for the entire world to see!

Check their site out for yourself at

Talk soon..GOD BLESS!